Friday, 19 December 2008


Don't worry. There isn't an invasion of giant spiders! For this picture, I was sitting in my car, when I saw this spider crawling up the window on the outside of the car. So I got my camera and zoomed in close to get the effect that it was on my lens. Appologies to all those who dislike the eight legged kind.

Busy Bee

A bee on a bush! Taken near where I live. I was lucky not to get stung because it was swarming with Bees on the bush and my muscles ached from the strain of being in all sorts of positions to get the shot.

Swans and Signets

Swans and Signets now, at Lake Windermere!

Young Sea Gull

I took this picture on holiday in Gairloch, at the harbour. The bird still has its baby colours hence the brown speckles.

Thursday, 18 December 2008


Some More Pictures of Butterflies here. They were taken all over the place, so I can't really remember every location for each picture. The ones however on the Yellow Flowers I took at a garden centre near kendal. I was amazed, because the butterfly let me get in very close without fluttering away. It took a lot of time and patience though, because every movement had to be slow, so as not to scare the butterfly away.

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Black Bird

Picture of a Blackbird on a hedge. He was singing his heart out and puffing his chest out and was clearly very proud of himself. I just had to take a picture!

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Little Mother Wren

This is a picture of the Mother Wren in my garden about to feed her young in the old birch tree

Baby Robin

I took this in our garden. There was a nest of 3 chicks in the Hedge row, as well as a wren's nest in the old birch tree.

Dear in Gairloch

These are some dear in Giarloch.

Fly on a Nettle Leaf

I took this at a carpark/service station, on my journey to Gairloch. It was sitting on a nettle leaf and its gorgeous colours just caught my eye.

Two Dogs Playing

This is a picture of Trixie (infront) and Fizzie (behind) playing chase in my friends garden.